
Ronnie Rhinoceros

Car Crasher!                                              5830 Cairo,Africa

DOB: March 29, 1986 Age-27

Home: 482-271-8429


I would like to be hired as a car crasher because with my huge, pointed nose I could easily break down cars more then any old machine.

Weight- 3000 pounds. Height- 1.8 m

Experience- Worked at Billy’s Junk Yard for 6 years straight out of college.

Education- Went to Louisiana State University and got a degree in engineering.

Skills- Hard worker, fast, and tough.

I want this not only to crash cars, but to learn new things. I hope you consider me as an employee. I promise I won’t let you down!

Ecology Poem.

He’s staring at me.

I know he is.

He’s waiting to jump on me;

And pick me up with his claws.

I slowly start slithering away,

hoping he notices me.

I have no fear.

He’s still looking ahead for me, but I’m still sitting here;

I didn’t actually move you see, just enough to get him going.

I won.

Unlikely Friends.

There he was. Just sitting there watching the full moon outside the window. Oh, by the way, we are both dogs. Just getting that out there. Anyways, I’ve been here in the family for two years and have always been the only pet. That is, until now. He’s been here for three days and hasn’t said one word to me! His name is Ryley and I only know that because I hear the humans talking. I start walking up to this quit little dog and say,”What are you looking at?” He turned to me and said,”You know there are sunspots on the sun’s surface?” I glared at him for a second, studying him. Hesitatingly, I answered, “What are sunspots?” So he started explaining what they are, but I was half tuning him out. I was more concerned about why his first words to me were about sunspots. Just as he finished talking, the humans called for supper time. At dinner, while they were cleaning their plates, Ryley started telling me about solar flares and solar prominences. After that, he went back to the window. I was going to bed when he stopped me and gestured me towards the window to watch the night sky. All of a sudden, a comet flew by! Ryley turned to me and said,”That comet has an eliptical orbit, you know.” No, I didn’t know. So there he went, explaining that to me. Why is this guy so smart? Then he started telling me about meteoroids. Finally, he stopped and went to bed. After hearing all this science talk, so did I. The next morning, when the humans went to work, I got up. I walked to the living room and saw Ryley watching some space movie. He saw me and told me to sit next to him. “You know what I wish”, he said to me. “No, I replied.” “I wish they could send dogs to space because I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut.” I never thought about going to space, but obviously he has. I smiled at him. and turned to watch the T.V., studying the pictures of space. A little man appeared on the screen, explaning what a satellite was and what they do. The rest of the day we sat on that couch talking and getting to know each other a little more. A whole month had passed, and we had become just like brother and sister. One night, I found him starring out that same window, but this time, at a new moon.

Life Values

One life lesson that I have learned is to value your family members. Once their gone, you won’t get to see them for a while.

The reason I value this lesson is because on May 15th 2004, my grandpa died. This was not only devastating because I love him, but because my mom was pregnant with my little brother and that he never got to see my grandpa just hurt me in so many ways. Even though it wasn’t any ones control over this, it still just made matters worse.

When you lose someone, it hurts. It doesn’t hurt just when you lose a human family member, but pets too. Just don’t value people, also value your pets. They are your best friends and even though they aren’t human doesn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt to lose them too.

Value the people and pets you love, because good things come to the people who realize what they have before it’s gone.

A Special Gift

The one sense that I would not want to lose is the sense of sight because without that sense I would not be able to see all of God’s creations. They are all so beautiful and I would be upset if I couldn’t see them. Another reason is that if I didn’t have this sense I wouldn’t be able to see my little brothers face anymore. I love him so much and I always help him with everything. Also, he looks up to me and it just wouldn’t feel right if he had to look up to someone who was blind. Although I know that no matter if I have the sense of sight or not he would love me anyway.

This sense is important to me because if I didn’t have it I wouldn’t be able to drive or see my parents and my family. Also I wouldn’t be able to see my little puppy’s face every morning when he wakes me up.

The sense of sight is something many people probably don’t want to lose. If I ever did lose this sense, my life would be really different. I like the way my life is, and I like how I am able to see everyone that I love. If I couldn’t, my life would be bad because I would be missing on something that is very important in my life. Although I could still hear them, it wouldn’t be the same as seeing their beautiful faces and their warm smiles.

My Brother, He Can Surprise Me



My Brother, I love him

I really do

But why can’t he let me

do what I do


I’ll be minding my

own business

and he always bothers me

But that stops today

I’ll show him

what I mean


Well a little

change in plans

‘Cause today he said

“Sissy, give me your hand.”


He gave me a note

he had written, I guess he got

some help from my dad,

The note said, “Sissy, you’re the best sister

I’ll ever have.”


My brother, I love him

I really do

I always will, and he will always

love me too.


Kaylei Cooper

About Me

In 2006, my family and I moved to Longview TX and lived in a duplex. Then towards the end of 2007, we moved to White Oak and that’s when I started going to White Oak Intermediate School. I started going there in 4th grade. I’m really glad that I moved to Texas, although I do miss Mississippi.

  I have 4 people in my family. My dad, Scotty, my mom, Jinifer, Me, and my brother Casen-scott. I also have 2 pets, a poodle named Tanner, and a doxen named Ellie-May. When I grow up, i want to have lots more though, like horses and more dogs.

    Every year on Thanksgiving, my family and I go to Mississippi to have a big dinner at both of my grandma’s house. I just love it whenever we are together as a big whole family!!

  I hope you learned something about me. Hopefully I’ll get to know you one day too.

The Responsibility Gift

On Christmas of  2009, I got a present that I really didn’t expect to get. When I woke on Christmas Day, there it was, sitting on top of all my other presents, my very first big, black and white, big screen laptop! I was so excited! Also, I was so surprised because later on that day, my parents told me they got me this laptop because they thought that I was responsible enough to have one and that they know that I’ll take good care of it. To this day, they still think that. Well, that’s how my laptop came to be known as, “The Resposibility Gift!”